Alright it has been a very long time. Too long, I have been busy with work, friends, family and have unfortunately neglected my blog and my fans.....who hopefully have not abandoned this blog. Several things have inspired me to return which include the following: 1) I am bad at emailing and I kind of think of this as a mass email to all my friends at once..horray 2) Its a great place to vent, if you haven't noticed already, I love airports....read blog 2 from Feburary 3) Finally its fun to write. Anyways I would like to begin with the most recent and pressing issue, the election. Let me first preface this with that these are my views and I do not expect everyone to agree with them. Please feel free to comment and share how you feel, however with that being said, HORRAY FOR OBAMA!!!! Even though I voted in the last election, there was something different about this election, there is so much at stake, the next President will have not only 2 wars but a failing economy as well. I woke up yesterday morning with a sense of urgency and excitement, there was nothing that could have kept me from making my voice heard. I waited in line for nearly an hour and it was well worth it. The people have spoke and they have spoken well, I can not even begin to describe how happy I am that Obama won, he brings the country hope and change which is exactly what we need. Unfortunately I cannot say that I was happy with how all of the California propositions turned out. For the most part a lot of great things went through, a high speed train, more humane treatment of animals and not limits on abortion, however what surprised me and shocked me the most was the approval of Prop 8, the ban on gay marriage. I will begin with that I am horrified that in this day and age discrimination is not only present but being voted in as a constitutional amendment. Shame on you California and all of those who put their religious view ahead of equality, it is absolutely wrong and shameful. Perhaps its because of my age or where I live but prior to Tuesday I was almost certain that prop 8 would get voted down, everyone I talked to agreed it was wrong and there was a sense of urgency to vote it down. However, election day came and went and me and my peers watched in horror as the numbers went the other way. What was initially shock has over the past 24 hours turned into anger. Even though I am straight and this law will not prohibit or limit any my civil rights, it pains my heart and conscience that my fellow Californians are so narrow minded. Here is what I do not understand, how does gay marriage adversely affect anyone? Sure, I understand if you are religious and your beliefs dictate that marriage is only between a man and a woman, however if that belief is rooted on linked to the church then we already know that is must be separate from government, i.e separation of church and state. Everyone has a right to practice and believe whatever religion they choose to follow however that does not mean that you have the right to enforce those beliefs on others which is exactly what prop 8 does. A lot of the arguments for the pro 8 camp sited children, "protect children", I would like to ask protect them from what? 1) I do not recall ever being taught about marriage in school ...EVER so I dont buy that without prop 8 all students would have to be taught about any kind of marriage 2) Would it really be a bad thing if children were taught in school to be TOLERANT? which is clearly what our society today is lacking. I cannot believe that California has voted to take away rights from a group of people, it is wrong, absolutely wrong. To some of my peers and fellow citizens I would like to pose one question, since the pro 8 camp made this about kids I would like to turn it around, lets make it personal, what if someday your kids or sister, brother, uncle, aunt comes to you and explains that they are gay, would you be able to look them in the eye and tell them I dont think you deserve the same rights as me? I think one of the problems with this prop is that everyone that voted for it removed themselves from it somehow, like since it didn't directly affect them it was easier for them to pass judgement and impose their beliefs, there was no consequence for the supporters, if they lost they did not loose any rights, if they won they got to take a precious right away from a group of people unrelated to them. The opponents of prop 8 unfortunately had everything to loose from this prop. I think the most common misconception was that most voters did not understand that this prop did not just define marriage as "between a man and a woman" but it also stripped rights from gay couples, rights that any commited couple should be able to enjoy which includes but is not limited to, right to share property, hospital visitation rights, fiscal rights in terms of pensions, health benefits (insurance) etc the list goes on. Can you imagine if we had a prop to take away the right for religious groups to marry? Or maybe just catholics or just presbyterians, I mean we have already passed judgment on one class and group of people why stop there? I know this is a long blog but its is something I am passionate about, not just prop 8, equal rights, I believe that everyone, every US citizen should have the same and equal rights, no discrimination. Hopefully this prop will be turned down/over ruled by the Supreme court, I pray that it does.
Enough with politics I have put my ideas out there and anyone that knows me probably already knows how I feel about this. Aside from being crazy busy with work I have joined a swim team that forces me out of bed way too early and am taking Italian which keeps me out at night way too late ;) However, I love them both, swimming is awesome and makes me miss my high school days with the Hox summer rec team. When my coach asked me how long it had been since I last swam I winced when I realized it had been....gasp.....6 years! (I'm getting old) As for Italian, Mi chiamo Amanda e ho sonno ( my name is amanda and I am tired..), hopefully this class will help with the Italy trip that Adam and I are planning for spring 2010, woo hoo. If any of you have any recommendations please let me know, I have a growing list of places to see and things to do but I could always use more. Anyways its getting late and I think this is pretty good for a come back blog, a little political ....ok a lot political, sorry, its out there and now I feel better, as for updates, expect more to come with pictures and who knows maybe a video or two. To all my friends near and far I miss you all and know that I can't wait until I see you again soon. Good night!
P.S.....50 days until Christmas!