Hello World!! Welcome to my blog :) This is my very first blog ever so I can pretty much
guarantee all kinds of spelling mistakes so let me apologize ahead of time. Anyways
theres been a lot going on recently, I graduated in December, got a job and am currently trying to pack and organize everything that I've accumulated over the past 23 years. Note to self: I need to work on my pack rat
tendencies, the
English binder that I saved from high school has
proved to be not only a waste of space but a house for a family of spiders. This Friday, a moving van

is coming to pack me up and relocate me to ...gasp SO CAL! Yes after being an advocate for nor cal for so many years I have finally crossed over to the dark side! I am now a resident of Long Beach California, and even though I will always leave my heart in San Francisco I can't deny that I am very excited to be moving to so cal. Even though I will be working in El Segundo (near LA) I am glad that I will be living out of the city, hopefully the traffic will be kind to me and the commute won't be too bad (fingers crossed) The pictures are of my apartment the top picture is a view from the living room window and the bottom picture is everything but the bedroom, I love company so please come visit me!!!
So aside from getting ready to move this past weekend I ran in the Carlsbad half marathon with Adam and Kristin and Ned (we all rocked it set new course records....)
Anyways on Friday I flew down and en route I encountered several annoying things at the airport that I felt warranted my attention. First of all, what airport god gave the security people the power to be obnoxious and rude? You see them at every airport, its the security clearance that you have to go through to get to your gate, they typically are pissed off ( it's a requirement to when applying to be airport security.... are you inherently
ok you may screen peoples bags) and not only are these security guards pissed off they feel that it is absolutely necessary to
embarrass and harass travelers. As you approach them, don't make eye contact that might inflame the
pissyness and you will immediately find yourself in secondary screening and in danger of missing your flight. Anyways back to Friday night, it was the changing of the guard, a new security personal was eager to exert his/her power ( I couldn't tell if it was a he or a she.....bad haircut) and unfortunately the person ahead of me made a grave mistake. It was a young couple and apparently they were holding each others tickets....an honest mistake right? Wrong, before they could even apologize the he/she makes an "
annoucement", " ladies and gentlemen please do not hold your husbands or
wives tickets YOU WILL ONLY SLOW THIS PROCESS DOWN," the smug he/she then shakes its head and signals the next victim to give it it's ticket. Now I consider myself lucky that I was not harassed on this occasion but is it absolutely necessary for airport security guards to be jerks? I have to many stories to recount now but I've never run into a nice and friendly security person. Case in point, traveling from college the security jerk examined my ID and then commented " Gee honey you've lost some weight," not
ok, but if I say anything pertaining to her weight I just might find myself in airport contempt, if you ask me these people hold way to much power and they abuse it all too often. Alright enough about airport security, the next thing that I can't stand about flying is the arm rests in the plane. Yes its when you have the dreaded middle seat, the two armrests on either side of you also belong to
mr.window seat and ms. aisle. Unfortunately on Friday I was in the middle seat.... And like always the person to my left and right completely engulfed both armrests. Now I am not unreasonable I think that two people can comfortably share a single armrest however I find that every time I am stuck in the middle seat it is a silent war with the two people next to me. It starts out casual, their elbow might just slightly touch my arm but then as the flight goes on it slowly pushes my arm a little more until its obvious that someone needs to move, and yes I'm weak ...I give in. Hence why I checked in early on my return flight on
sunday so that I had a window seat and the power to bully the middle seat...
muhaha. Yes its a viscous cycle but these two things annoy me the most when it comes to flying, let me know if you've encountered any of these or if you completely disagree, who knows maybe I've only had the misfortune of running into the dark side of the airport ( last plug for my blog I promise). P.s I dedicate this entry to Ashley from Ash in the City, she inspired me to start a blog and I am very excited to share my upcoming so cal adventures with friends,family and the world!!