Saturday, February 2, 2008

Superbowl 2008!!

Hello hello from Arizona!! Sorry for the delay in my posting but since the last post I have moved, been robbed and traveled to the great state of Arizona where I am now. First things first....the robbery. Last week, on the eve of my big move, Caitlin and I went to a movie as a last Danville horrah, being the trusting person that I am, I stupidly left my car unlocked in my parents driveway. I had not packed up the car yet, however my ipod, digital camera, fm transmitter, my dads old dell laptop and all my lab notebooks from all my summers at the lab were left in the car (I had cleaned out my desk at the lab a few days prior). You would think that leaving your car in your driveway would be maybe one of the safe places where you can leave your car unlocked.....WRONG! The next morning when I woke up to load my car for the drive to southern california I noticed that not only was everything missing but there was residual dirt all over the center console where the vile thieves not only took my things but dirtied up my car. Now let me say that if you have never been robbed you cannot possibly understand how much it sucks to have something that is yours taken from you so for those of you who are fortunate enough to never have encountered this, I will give you an idea of what I went through. A rush of different emotions plagued me for the first couple of hours, the first being anger, then sad that I didnt have my music to run with anymore etc but perhaps what bothered me the most is that all of my lab notebooks which are practically worthless to anyone else, are now gone and there is no way that I can ever replace them. I honestly think that if you rob someone you are one of the most vile kinds of people there are. On the drive down I thought of all the different scenerios that could have played out if I had caught the robbers in the act, some involved me and chasing them with a shovel, another me getting in the car and chasing them and bringing them to justice, all of which are pretty un realistic but still its nice to think that I maybe could of prevented it or stopped it (i.e always lock your car no matter what!!) Since the robbery life in so cal has been very nice, I"m still awaiting all of my things to be delivered on Monday but I'm in no rush to have to deal with the unpacking part of this move. On thursday morning me, adam kate and some of adam's friends from work drove to Phoenix for the superbowl parties which started thursday night and go through tonight (saturday). Through some weird connection through my dad we were able to get all of the tickets for free (this has officially bumped him up the coolness scale lol) So far we have seen Paris Hilton, 50 cent, Wyclef, Ludichris (sp??), Kendra from the girls next door, dennis rodman and tonight we are going to see Velvet Revolver perform, which I'm very excited about. More to come tomorrow when I update my blog again, but for now, miss you all and please come visit me in so cal!!!!!

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