So it is yet again another monday, actually its very very early Tuesday but I promised myself that I would blog before the end of the day so for the sake of my promise...its still monday ;). So its been a while since the last blog and since then I have had time to ponder on several topics of conversation. However before I get into that let me start with an update of my new years resolutions and ......drum roll please... gasp...I've decided to add to my list, more on that in a few. First lets start with the current list:
1) Write a blog entry once a week: yes yes I know I'm behind but I will do my best to write 2 this week to make up for lost thoughts.....
2) Lose 10 pounds: I am happy to report as of Jan 1st, I am currently at -4.8 lb as of today, woo hoo!! Almost half way there. But let me say this, it is sooooo easy to put on the weight and soooo hard to work it off. I have gotten back into running and have been running at least 3-4 times a week (3 miles each time) in hopes of gearing up for the Napa to Sonoma half marathon which I am currently on the wait list for. I'm hoping that once swimming starts back up next week I'll get a little boost in terms of toning etc. Side note last week I was given the following compliment:
" Amanda..... you look....(pause)..... healthy today," now upon hearing this comment, I wasn't quite sure how to interpret it, could mean I look youthful, or perhaps the not so pleasant , harty lol? It was just such an odd way to comment on someones appearance that I was left wondering was that a compliment or insult lol. However in my plight to get fit and healthy I am going to err on the positive and assume that it is a reflection of my hard work and healthy eating that is shinning through my face ....yeah .......someone que the song always look on the bright side of life....
3)Run a half marathon: see above...keep your fingers crossed we get into the Napa to Sonoma half...not only does it help us get into shape but theres wine at the finish line woo hoo !!
4) Actually print and do something with my in progress my photo paper is out of ink... need to replenish it soon!!!
5) Live more healthy life: believe it or not I resisted IN-N-Out this past weekend when Adam ordered a hard yet I will say that in the last 3 weeks where I have been eating minimal fast food and red meat I feel a lot more energetic and in general my mood has improved. Just sayin...eating good isn't all bad. (however I do plan to eat a HUGE cheeseburger as soon as goal #2 is complete....can't wait!)
6)Clean my apt: also work in progress, I am slowly but surely organizing all my crap however I am going to commit to going through my closets within the next week and hopefully parting with half the stuff I have kept since high school :/ ok maybe all of it
7) Explore more of LA: getting there, we did go up to Bear Mountain 2 weeks ago which was my first time skiing there. I really want to go to the Getty hopefully sometime this spring, never been but I keep hearing amazing things about it.
8) Watch less Tv and Read more: This one is the worst, now that I have appleTV who needs to read? Jk I have incorporated some reading while I am at the gym at my apt which helps make the work out time go by fast and it also helps me decompress from a stressfull day.
Now for the new ones...:
9) Buy a keyboard or Piano! I really miss playing the piano and being that one of my neighbors has a piano and I can hear them practicing during the afternoon on the weekends, it makes me miss it even more. I had originally hoped that I would find a local community college that has practice rooms but even if I found a local school nothing beats having your very own piano/keyboard that you can play whenever you want. This will take some saving $ $ however ifanyone hears of any good deals or has any suggestions of where to look let me know!
10 ) Cook more! I just took an amazing cooking class at William Sonoma last week called Simple Suppers, Big Flavor. The best part of the cooking class was that you got to not only watch the cook and see how she does everything but you also got to eat the entire 4 course meal after (plus a entire store discount of 10% off). I have another class mid march and I might sign up for one more but I love cooking and hope to build up my recipe binder enough so that I can cook something differnt for at least 2 weeks without repeating. If anyone would like to share good recipes please let me know, next blog I will showcase a cooking class recipe.
Ok enough on resolutions. After a recent trip to vegas and another one in the works (Feb12 we are going for 1 night to see Jack's Mannequin woot!) I have developed a short review on the hotels that I have stayed at. Hopefully this is helpful for you in your next trip to sin city:
The Las Vegas Hilton:

The Monte Carlo: Sigh....I had high hopes for this hotel, however on our last trip to Vegas I'll have to admit that I was more then a little disappointed with both the ro

The Mirage:

Mandalay Bay: Great Hotel! Definitely best pools I've been to on the strip. The pools include not only a wave pool but also a lazy river....who doesnt love a lazy river? And ever better if you swim with the current you might get and idea of what it feels like to be Michael Phelps jk. This also has good restaurants and bars, the Ice Bar is worth checking out at least once, the entire bar is made of ice and you get to wear warm coats, gloves and boots. The rooms here are a set up from the Hilton and are close to if not better then The Mirage. One of my favorite hotels!!
The Bellagio

Alright enough blogging for one Tuesday...I mean Monday lol. More to come later thsi week, any topics for discussion?
1 comment:
dungeon, good post! explore the east side -- it has a lot of great food and is more urban. good luck on your other resolutions!
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