Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Its the Final Countdown......

Anyone that is familiar with Arrested Development will hopefully remember the scene where Job tries to make the family yacht disappear and in the background the song that played was..." It's the final count down...." well if there was a soundtrack to my life right now I would definitely be playing that tune right now. It is officially t-minus 9 days until Adam and I take on Italy!!! Granted it still has not hit me quite yet that I will be leaving so soon but I'm sure by next Friday night I will be in all out pack/panic mode as I try to cram as much as I can into my medium ( note not large) size suitcase. Anyways in the mean time I thought I would share a couple life lessons that I learned in the well lets say a in 2010:

Lessons Learned
1) Similar to how french fries are always a little bit better soggy, ice pops are a tad better a little me it will spare you the brain freeze
2) Reading before bed instead of falling asleep to TV somehow always transitions into a) more interesting dreams....and b) more restful sleep, I realize this may not be true for all but if you haven't tried it I recommend it
3) Favorite song to work out/ get in a good mood right now: Feelin' Alright by Joe Cocker and/or What you waiting for by Gwen Stefani, Favorite song to wake up drive to work to: Bittersweet Symphony by the Verve, Favorite song to drive home to: Big Empty STP and/or Audience by Coldwar Kids and finally favorite song for an "eh" day: Mad World (but I like the adam lambert version..Yea I know I'm a dork). These will most likely be updated within the next week, but right now these have been making multiple appearances on my ipod so enjoy!
4) Yoga is awesome! Yes as some of you know I recently started doing yoga a couple times a week but I have to admit I honestly look forward to going to class during the day...not only is it good for you but its very relaxing....did my first handstand last night and even though my arms feel like jellow I can't wait to do it all over again.
5) Weirdest song/music video I've seen lately: Shakira Shewolf , if you havent seen it ugh.... lets just say its weird, but also kind of funny
6)Call me crazy but going on road trips...especially if you are the passenger are more fun then taking a plane
7) Sunscreen! Wear lots of freckled shoulders (thank you Puerto Rico Sun) beg you to save yourself the crispy torture I experienced lol.

Alright thats all I got for now. More to come, if anyone has any recommendations for Italy/traveling etc please let me know, I've never been and need all the help I can get ;) Ciao!

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